ASNs - Creating, Managing, Editing and Deleting ASNs

ASNs - Creating, Managing, Editing and Deleting ASNs


In this guide, we will show you how to create an ASN. 

What is an ASN? 

An ASN (Advanced Shipping Notification) is an inbound shipment or purchase order you have placed with your supplier, and is the notification which is sent before the shipment is dispatched. 

Creating ASNs allows you and your warehouse to keep track of expected deliveries coming in and will assist with quick and accurate loading/unloading of the shipment & inventory. 

What information do I need to include in the ASN?

It is really important that all ASNs contain clear & concise information. This is to make sure that when the shipment is received, we have all the required details to ensure the accuracy of the shipment and inventory which has been sent.
To assist with this, we ask that the following information is provided as mandatory alongside all ASNs:
  1. Shipment contents, by SKU - those SKUs must also have all required information within them such as valid barcodes, weights, dimensions etc. Insufficient SKU information will prevent a successful ASN from processing, which may incur extra costs or delays
  2. Delivery Type - it is important to specify the Delivery Type as certain types (Pallets & Containers) will require approval from the warehouse to ensure that the delivery can be accommodated on the date stated. Also, selecting the incorrect Delivery Type could result in unnecessarily delays or additional charges, so it is important to ensure that the information provided, is correct
Please Note: For Delivery Types, the below information may be useful for consideration:
  • PALLETS: Both our facilities can accept UK and EPAL pallets, with a maximum height of 1.5m. Pallets exceeding 1.6m and with considerable overhang will be stored in OVERSIZE pallets locations which incur premium storage fees. Shipments arriving on US pallets will need to be re-palletized on arrival onto UK or EPAL pallets at an additional cost. Max weight per pallet: 500kg (in line with warehouse racking safety rating)
  • FCL/CONTAINERS: We can accept virtually all main sizes/types of shipping containers (20ft, 40ft, 50ft, HC etc.). For the fastest unloading and booking of stock, we advise FCL shipments to be pallet-loaded not floor-loaded. Please see our Goods In Gold Standard on guidance for getting the cheapest and fastest goods in service from GEE (please email should you require a copy of this)
  1. Quantity
  2. Destination Warehouse - we will need to know if this is going to the UK or NL warehouse 
  3. Attachments - any supporting documentation, such as packing lists, bill-of-lading, haulier/courier paperwork etc. should be provided when the ASN is created

Creating an ASN

1. Click on Dashboard (left menu) > Warehouse and then click Create ASN:

2. On the Create ASN page, fill in fields, which includes: 

  1. Warehouse - please select the applicable warehouse from the drop-down
  2. PO Reference - this is the reference you would like to use for the delivery
  3. Supplier - select the Supplier from the drop-down or click  to create
  4. Supplier Notes - you can use this field to add supplier notes, if any
  5. Estimated Delivery - add the estimated date of the delivery. At this point, it is only an ETA, which can be modified by warehouse admin users, once the delivery is actually booked in
  6. Comments - you can use this field to add any comments. This can be used to add any and all additional information to the ASN that would help us meet your needs as best as possible ('Please book into ground location as stock will be used for B2C orders' or 'Stock is going straight to FBA, please prep accordingly', for example
  7. Delivery Type - from the drop-down, select the Delivery Type - carton, pallet or container
  8. Quantity - add the quantity of the Delivery Type expected. At this point, you can add an expected quantity, which can be amended by warehouse admin users at the point of book-in
3. Once done, click 
4. On the Manage ASN page, you will be required to enter the products for delivery. Within the Add Item section, either Select an Existing SKU (typing in this field will populate the SKUs/products for you to add) or alterntivately, Add a New SKU (In this instance, when deliveries contain new SKU codes, warehouse admin users will complete import missing attribute information - Name, Weight for example - when the item is booked in :

5. Add the Quantity of the SKU, expected in the delivery and then click :

6. Once SKUs have been added, these will appear within the Items section:

From here, you can update the Quantity Expected by amended the field and clicking . Alternatively, you can also remove items from the ASN by clicking :

Please Note: Should you have a large list of SKUs to upload to the ASN, you may wish to add these in bulk instead. You can action this by following these simple steps:
1C. Click   (top tight tab)
2. On the Upload ASN Item List page, click . This will then download the template in the correct CSV format
3. On the CSV template, fill out all the fields as necessary. For existing products, you will need to add SKU & Quantity information as mandatory however for new SKUs, we would recommend including more information to the file, including Name, Weigh etc. 
4. Once the file is complete, click  and then once the file has been brought in, click 

This will then upload the items in bulk and add these to your ASN. 
7. Once you have finished populating all items in the ASN and are ready to submit, click  (top left) 
8. To generate the paperwork required, click Generate ASN PDF - this can then be emailed to your supplier to attach to the physical goods when delivered and will contain everything that is needed for both :

Managing & Editing ASNs

Up until a delivery is received, either warehouse or admin users have the ability to change and amend the details of the ASN. This can be done by clicking on the delivery from the calendar (which is added when the ASN is created) or by following the below:
1. Click Dashboard >Warehouse >ASNS
2. On the ASNS page find the ASN by using the filters or search bar provided. Once located, click  and from the drop-won, select Manage ASN:

3. On the Manage ASN page, make the required changes and once complete, click  to save the changes. 

Adding attachments to ASNs

1. Click Dashboard >Warehouse >ASNS
2. On the ASNS page find the ASN by using the filters or search bar provided. Once located, click  and from the drop-down, select Manage ASN
3. On the Manage ASN page, click Attachments (top right):

4. Within the Add ASN Attachment section, click  to browse and select file. Once added, click  
5. Uploaded attachments can then be viewed, downloaded or deleted from within the ASN Attachments section:

Deleting ASNs

1. Click Dashboard >Warehouse >ASNS
2. On the ASNS page find the ASN by using the filters or search bar provided. Once located, click  and from the drop-won, select Delete
3. On the pop-up, click OK to confirm the ASN deletion:

Please Note: This action can only be made on ASNs not yet received. 

Need more help? 

If you need more help, no problem. Contact us, and we'll be happy to help:

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