Expandly VAT - Filing Questions once Registration is complete

Expandly VAT - Filing Questions once Registration is complete


Once your VAT registration is complete, there are a number of questions that our VAT Partner will need to know the answers to, once the filing is ready to be taken over. 
As a proactive measure, we will ask for answers to these questions at on-boarding stage and whilst we are dealing with the VAT Registration as this will allow us to provide all the required information to our VAT partner during this stage, and will avoid delays in waiting for the information to be provided once the registration is complete, and the filing is ready to be taken over.

VAT filing questions

Please see below, a list of questions that we will need to obtain answers on. 

Ø Does this company use the OSS scheme, Y or N

  1. OSS ( One-Stop Shop) is a EU VAT scheme that simplifies VAT obligations for sellers of goods and services to consumers throughout the European Union. In practice, a taxable person who is registered for an OSS scheme in a Member State (the Member State of identification) will electronically submit OSS VAT returns detailing the supplies that can be declared in the respective OSS scheme along with the VAT due. The OSS VAT returns are additional and do not replace the VAT return a taxable person submits to his Member State under his domestic VAT obligations.
  2. For more information on the OSS Scheme, you can click here
Ø Does this company import into the EU, if yes which country
  1. Please list any, and all countries that you import into, within the EU

Ø  Does this company sell on Amazon, if yes please provide the VTR

  1. If you sell on Amazon, we will require the VTR to be provided (VAT Transaction Report)
  2. This can be located within your Amazon Seller Account. Simply click “Analytics” or “Report” > Fulfilment by Amazon> Tax > Amazon VAT Transactions.
  3. Example of where to find the required report has been provided below:
  1. A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated

Ø Does this company sell off Amazon, if yes please provide the sales reports
  1. If you sell across any other channels/marketplaces/websites (eBay, or Shopify, for example), we will also require Sales Reports and data for each of these different marketplaces, to be provided
Ø Does the company have purchases/expenses in the EU, if yes please provide the invoices
  1. Please provide invoices for any purchases made and expenses, in the EU
  2.  If any paid VAT / import is expected to reclaim, please also provide purchasing invoice / customs clearance documents (SAD form in EU / UTB form in Netherland)  
Ø Please provide all Cost of Goods (COGs) for all goods sold in EU to submit Intrastat
  1. Please provide an excel document/file which will confirm all COGS for goods (SKUs) sold in the UK
  2. Information that needs to be provided includes:
Cost of goods
Ø Please confirm all EU VAT numbers held by the business in the EU for the purpose of Intrastat
  1. Please provide a list of all EU VAT numbers you have in the EU
  2. For more information on Intrastat, please click here
Ø Does the company do any FBM, if yes please confirm FBM country

Please confirm country/countries that you do any FBM (Fulfilled By Merchant) in.

Need more help? 

If you need further support, no problem. Contact Us and we'll be happy to help! 

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