LUCID Numbers - DE EPR

LUCID Numbers - DE EPR


In this guide, we will explain what a LUCID number is, when you will need it and the process for obtaining this.

What is a LUCID Number?

The LUCID number is a registration number issued by the Central Agency Packaging Register in Germany. It's a key component of the German Packaging Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2019. The LUCID Register ensures companies selling packaged goods in Germany comply with their packaging waste responsibilities and is a critical component of Germany's efforts to manage packaging waste responsibly. It is also important to note that failure to comply can result in fines and a distribution ban on your products in Germany.

Why do I need a LUCID Number?

For online sellers, obtaining a LUCID number is mandatory for operating on marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.

When will I need a LUCID Number?

Any party placing packaging filled with goods on the German market must register, including:

1. Producers and initial distributors of packaged goods

2. Online retailers selling to German customers

3. Importers bringing packaged goods into Germany

4. Final distributors of service packaging

What packaging required a LUCID Number? 

All types of packaging now require registration in the LUCID system.

What is the difference between a LUCID Number and an EPR Number? 

The LUCID number is specific to Germany. It serves a similar purpose to the broader EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) number used in various countries. An EPR number is also required for manufacturers of electrical appliances and batteries.

What Information is Needed for Registration?

To register, you'll need to provide:
 - Director Passport 
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Articles of Association
- EIN letter / Tax form – W9 or T2 are common
- Our completed Application form
- Forecast Spreadsheet
- Confirmation of brands
- POA - this will be provided once all of your documents have been submitted and approved. The POA must be hand-signed by the director

Don't worry, we'll be on hand to guide you through this to ensure we have all required documentation from you! 

What are the next steps?

  1. Once you have returned the hand-signed POA, as long as all documents and the POA are OK, this will be submitted to the Tax Office
  2. In approx. 5-7 working days, you will receive an Activation Link. This will be sent to the Directors email address, provided on the application form
  3. We will be advised Shaunna when the link has been released, and will be in touch to ask that this is forwarded to us ASAP - The email will come from “Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister <” and must be forwarded on to 
    Please Note: the activation link is only active for 24 hours. If this is sent to us and has expired, an additional activation link will need to be requested and sent so it is really important that you send this to as us quickly as you can, to avoid any delays
  4. Once we have had confirmation that the LUCID activation link was successful, we will be able to provide you with an invoice for payment:
    - You will be required to pay an invoice to complete the registration.
    - This invoice amount is based off of the forecasted amounts in the Forecast Spreadsheet you provided. It is usually a very small amount (approx. 20-30 Euros)
    - It is important to not that the invoice is based off your forecasted EPR contribution into the region -  if you do not sell what you predicted, the difference will be refunded back to you. Additionally, if you sell more than predicted, you will receive another invoice
    - The invoice will arrive as a PDF document, with associated reference number(s) 
    - The invoice will need to be paid via wire transfer to the details on the invoice
    - Once the invoice is settled, please send payment confirmation to as proof of payment and to allow the number to be released faster
  5. Once the invoice has been paid, we will send the LUCID Number to you, as soon as this has been released by the authorities 
  6. If you require official documentation, this can be requested and provided (this is not a necessity as it will only be the LUCID Number that needs to be added to your online marketplaces)  

Need more help?

If you need more help, no problem. Contact Us and we'll be happy to help! 
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