Parcelhub Integration

Parcelhub Integration


In this guide, we will explain how to add Parcelhub to your account. 

Please Note:

Please be advised ParcelHub has updated its API and as part of this change they will turn off the Whistl API.
Whistl accounts would need to be set up under the ParcelHub integration in Mintsoft due to this change.

Adding Parcelhub

Note: Please contact Parcelhub for your Username and Password to access the Parcelhub integration with Mintsoft.
Once you have this information please do the following -

1. Go to Connect
2. Then Courier Integrations
3. Click Parcelhub
4. Then Add Account
5. Enter the details required
6. Basic account you would need your Parcelhub username, password and AccountName
7. To get the AccountName, navigate to the top right-hand side of your login in the Parcelhub portal
8. To get the AccountID, click on the dropdown and then click preferences, it will show in the URL “/Admin/Index?AccountId=” 
9. Copy the number after the equal symbol, an example AccountName would be L124456
Note: Please only populate AccessCode fields if you want to use the tracking module.
10. Then Add

Service Courier ID Providers
A list of courier IDs can be found here:
Once on the connection click Get Services and this will show all services.

Account Type - Whistl/Parcelhub

Following a recent update, you can now manage multiple accounts if you have Whistl and ParcelHub services using the Account Type dropdown

The default behaviour is Parcelhub, but if you have a separate account for Whistl, you can add this account alongside your ParcelHub Integration.

We will then use the Whistl account for any of the Whistl services you have set up, you just have to enter Whistl in Extracode 3 this ensures the correct accounts are billed when shipping orders, to update the courier code, please do the following -
1. Click Shipping Management then Extras
2. Next, click Courier Service Codes
3. Search ParcelHub
4. Find the service(s) you need to change
5. Click Edit
6. Enter Whistl in Extracode 3
7. Click Update

Need more help?

If you need more help, no problem. Please raise via our 3PL Ticket Desk, and the Team will be happy to help.

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