Translation Requirements

Translation Requirements


In this guide, we will explain the Translation Requirements, to ensure product compliance for the UK/EU Market.

What needs to be translated? 

  1. What needs to be translated on your label, does depend on the Member State
  2. For the following Member States, the whole label will need to be translated:
  3. For all other EU Member States, there are some minimum label translation requirements, which include:
    Function of the Product
    Hazards & Warnings
    Precautions of Use
    Nominal Content and/or Ingredients
  4. It is important to note that the more content that is on your label, the more is needed to be translated. We would recommend that you do not repeat information, if not required, to prevent unnecessary translating from being required

Regulations - Function of the Product

  1. The function of the product needs to be clear and obvious to the consumer
  2. If possible, include pictures on your labels obvious - a picture is worth a thousand words and can be understood universally, without any wording translations being required
Example 1:
An electric device without a picture on the packaging will not effectively convey the product and its function to a user in Germany. Hence, a translation of the function will be necessary:

Example 2:
A table fork label with a picture of the fork clearly shows the consumer what the product is and they know the function. In this instance, translation of the function will  not be required:

Regulations - Hazards & Functions

  1. Some products do not carry hazards or warnings and are inherently safe
Example 1:
Category - Toys
Warning - "Not suitable for children under the age of 3 – Adult supervision is required"
Translation RequiredYes - This is a clear warning to the consumer and an image alone will not identify this risk

Example 2:
Category - Food Supplement
Warning - "Keep Away from Children"
Translation Required?  Yes - This is a clear warning to the consumer and an image alone will not identify this risk

Example 3:
Category - Food Supplement
Warning - None present
Translation Required?  No- The picture of the product is enough to understand any associated risks

Regulations - Precautions of Use

  1. A lot of products will have guidance on how and when to use a product, and who should/shouldn't use the product too
Example 1:
Product - Energy Drinks
Precaution of Use - "Caffeine Warning (above 150mg/l) Not suitable for pregnant women"
Translation Required? Yes - This is a clear warning to a specific consumer about how to use the product and that they should not drink more than certainly volume. There is also a warning that this is not suitable for pregnant women

Example 2:
Product - Food Supplements
Precaution of Use - "Do not exceed recommended daily dose"
Translation Required? Yes - This is a clear instruction on how to safely use the product

Example 3:
Product - Food Supplements
Precaution of Use - "Take two tablets daily"
Translation Required? Yes - This is a clear instruction on how to safely use the product

Regulations - Nominal Content/Ingredients

  1. In the instance of contents/ingredients, pictures simply cannot tell your consumer the content/ingredient information
  2. The word 'Ingredients' must be translated
  3. Any/All allergens must be clear and obvious
  4. Specific ingredients must also be listed

Need more help? 

If you need more help, no problem. Contact Us and we'll be happy to help.

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