Uploading Default Picking Locations in bulk

Uploading Default Picking Locations in bulk


In this guide we will explain how you can bulk-add picking locations. 

Uploading Default Picking Locations in bulk

1. Click Warehouse then Extras,
2. Next, click Upload Bulk Warehouse Spreadsheets
Note: In order to set a new default location, an inventory record must already exist for the product
3. In the Download section, select DefaultPicking as the Template
4. Next, click Download.
5. Complete the template as per below -
  1. SKU: Enter the SKU you want to update
  2. Warehouse: Which Warehouse is the product located in
  3. Location: Enter the Default Pick Location you wish to use
  4. Transfer Stock: Enter TRUE to move unassigned stock to the location, alternatively enter FALSE
6. Once filled in click Save
7. In the Upload section, select DefaultPicking as the Type
8. Click Choose file to browse and upload the file
9. Finally, click Upload

Need more help?

If you need more help, no problem. Please raise via our 3PL Ticket Desk, and the Team will be happy to help. 

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