3PL - Fulfilment
Uploading CIs to UPS
Overview In this guide, we will explain how to upload signed and completed CIs, to UPS Uploading CIs to UPS Expandly will email you any CIs, for orders that that require a CI to be checked and signed prior to shipping. Once this has been sent, please ...
HS Codes
What is a HS Code? An HS code (Harmonized System code) is a standardized international system used to classify globally traded products. It is a unique identifier that helps classify the exact type of goods being shipped and is recognized in almost ...
Commercial Invoice Checks - why are these so important?
Overview When it comes to shipping goods to international clients, there are standard document requirements used for exporting. One of the most important ones you’ll need to issue is a commercial invoice. Unlike a regular sales invoice, a commercial ...
Stock Allocation Picking Logic
Overview In this guide, we will explain the logic behind the stock allocation picking and how the system knows what stock to pick first. Stock Allocation Picking Logic Note: Please be advised Location Type priority will override the standard Stock ...
External Courier Names
Overview When exporting or providing tracking info to another system they might require specific courier service names or codes for it to map up correctly on their end. External Courier Services Names can be used for this to provide a translation ...
Viewing External Returns
Overview In this guide, we will show you how to view external returns. Here at GEE, we are happy to accept all returns for our 3PL clients, including orders that originate outside of Mintsoft - these are classed as external returns, and will be ...